Idelvion Shown to Benefit Both Adult and Pediatric Patients With Hemophilia B

The latest results of CSL Behring’s recombinant coagulation factor IX (FIX) Idelvion, also known by its generic name CSL654, demonstrated long-lasting therapeutic potential for both pediatric and adult patients with hemophilia B.
The findings were detailed in poster presentations at the 26th Biennial International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Congress (ISTH) in Berlin, Germany. Symposium abstracts from the congress can be viewed here.
“When treating patients with hemophilia B, our goal is to reduce bleed frequency by maintaining high FIX activity trough levels,” Giancarlo Castaman, MD, Center for Bleeding Disorders and Coagulation, Department of Oncology, Careggi University Hospital, said in a press release.
“Our findings add to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of Idelvion and the product’s potential to positively impact patients by offering high and sustained factor levels that provide persistent bleed prevention,” Castaman said.
Results of the study titled, “High and Sustained Observed trough FIX Activity Levels with Prophylactic Dosing of IDELVION (rFIX-FP) in Patients with Hemophilia B,” showed the use of Idelvion could consistently induce the expression of FIX clotting factor in both pediatric (younger than 12) and adult/adolescent (older than 12) patients.
The treatment was shown to improve overall quality of life for children with hemophilia B, as reported in the study, “Health-related Quality of Life in Pediatric Hemophilia B Patients Treated with rIX-FP.”
Additionally, the study, “High Adherence in Adult and Pediatric Patients with Hemophilia B Receiving Prophylaxis with rIX-FP,” showed that preventive regimens of Idelvion for adult patients delivered once every seven, 10, or 14 days had good patient compliance, at approximately 95%, 91%, and 97%, respectively. Pediatric patients received treatment once every seven days and also showed good adherence to the therapy, at about 98%. This resulted in very low annual bleeding rates.
Overall, the prolonged dose interval regimens applied for prophylaxis (preventive) treatment with Idelvion resulted in reduced usage of recombinant FIX clotting factor and treatment-associated burden. These observations were reported in the study titled, “Prophylaxis with rIX-FP Reduces Consumption Compared with Previous FIX in Both Adult and Pediatric Patients.”