Margarida Maia, PhD,  science writer—

Margarida is a biochemist (University of Porto, Portugal) with a PhD in biomedical sciences (VIB and KULeuven, Belgium). Her main interest is science communication. She is also passionate about design and the dialogue between art and science.

Articles by Margarida Maia

Takeda to discontinue Hemofil M, Recombinate for hemophilia A

Takeda Pharmaceuticals has decided to discontinue Hemofil M (human antihemophilic factor) and Recombinate (recombinant antihemophilic factor), both of which are approved as replacement therapies to prevent and control bleeding episodes in children and adults with hemophilia A. “This was not a decision we made lightly,” Anthea Cherednichenko,…

Sangamo to regain rights to hemophilia A gene therapy

Sangamo Therapeutics will regain full rights to develop and market giroctocogene fitelparvovec, a gene therapy candidate for adults with moderately severe to severe hemophilia A, after Pfizer decided to end its involvement in the program. Pfizer’s decision not to advance into regulatory submissions came despite positive…

Top 10 hemophilia stories of 2024

In 2024, Hemophilia News Today provided readers with up-to-date coverage on research, treatments, and clinical trials for hemophilia. We compiled the top 10 most-read stories of the year, each with a brief summary. As we enter 2025, we look forward to continuing to support the hemophilia community. We…

Altuviiio bests others as hemophilia A factor replacement therapy

For adults and adolescents with hemophilia A without inhibitors, Altuviiio (efanesoctocog alfa) may work better than other standard or extended half-life factor replacement therapies at preventing bleeding episodes, while requiring less frequent injections, a study found. Researchers made an indirect comparison of data from XTEND-1 (NCT04161495) and published…

Concizumab reduces bleeding in patients without inhibitors

Adults and adolescents with hemophilia A or hemophilia B without inhibitors experienced significantly fewer bleeding episodes when using concizumab as a prophylactic (preventive) treatment compared with those who weren’t on any prophylaxis. That’s according to data from explorer8 (NCT04082429), an ongoing Phase 3 clinical study in which…

Hemophilia gene therapy Beqvez reduces bleeds in Phase 3 trial

Hemophilia gene therapy Beqvez (fidanacogene elaparvovec), marketed as Durveqtix in the European Union, results in stable production of factor IX (FIX), the clotting protein that is missing or faulty in hemophilia B, leading to about three times fewer bleeding episodes compared with prophylaxis, or preventive treatment, with regular infusions…