
Whole Body Vibration Increases Muscle Strength and Bone Mineral Density in Children with Hemophilia, Study Shows

A new study suggests that whole body vibration training increases muscle strength, bone mineral density, and functional capacity in children with hemophilia. The study, “Effect of whole body vibration training on quadriceps strength, bone mineral density, and functional capacity in children with hemophilia: a randomized clinical trial,” was published…

FDA Accepts Bioverativ’s Investigational New Drug Application for BIVV001 to Treat Hemophilia A

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted Bioverativ’s investigational new drug application (IND) for BIVV001, an investigational Factor VIII therapy designed to extend protection from bleeds in hemophilia A patients. The FDA will now review the IND application for safety. The Waltham, Massachusetts-based company plans to initiate a Phase…