
Rare Disease Diversity Coalition Awards $600K to Combat Disparities

The Rare Disease Diversity Coalition (RDDC) awarded $600,000 in grants to ease the disparities faced by rare disease patients of color. These Impact Rare Disease Solution grants will go five RDDC steering committee working groups, which aim to identify problems for rare disease communities and advocate for solutions. The five…

WFH Celebrates Milestone in Distributing Bleeding Disorder Therapies

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) is commemorating having successfully distributed, since 1996, over one billion international units (IUs) of factor and non-factor replacement therapies for people with inherited bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, through its Humanitarian Aid Program. Donations from the program have improved the quality…

‘Reverse Vaccination’ May Help Prevent Immune Response

A newly designed platform based on the principle of “reverse vaccination” could be used to prevent the development of an immune response that blocks the effectiveness of treatments for hemophilia and other disorders. “For nearly a third of patients with hemophilia A … their own immune system is…

‘Together Project’ Leverages HFA and NHF’s Resources, Know-how

The Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) and the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) jointly launched the “Together Project,” in which the two organizations will work together to address issues affecting the bleeding disorders community. Most of the partnership’s efforts will center on written content creation and visual designs, which…

‘Rare’ Documentary in Kickstarter Campaign to Raise $45K by Oct. 28

A crowdfunding campaign aims to raise $45,000 to support “Rare,” a documentary film featuring the struggles and achievements of people living with rare diseases and their families. Sweis Entertainment and Digital Cave Media launched the campaign — allowing filmmakers to finish producing and to release the documentary — on Kickstarter.

Patients on Prophylactics Maintain Pain Thresholds Over Year Study

Differences in sensory detection and pain thresholds were found in hemophilia patients taking prophylactics, compared to healthy individuals, and these differences did not change over the course of a one-year follow-up study. These findings indicate that “under prophylactic treatment, the existing difference in the pain profile between [people with…

Sexual Problems Nearly 4 Times More Likely for Hemophilia Patients

People with hemophilia are nearly four times more likely to experience sexual problems than are individuals without bleeding disorders, according to the results of a new international survey. The survey found that problems with sexual intimacy in patients with hemophilia were associated with older age, experiencing acute or chronic pain…