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13 Fast Facts About Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare inherited disease where a person is lacking a certain type of clotting factor. This means that their blood is unable to clot so injuries will result in extensive bleeding. If left untreated, this bleeding can become life-threatening. Here are a few fast facts about this rare…

What Is Von Willebrand Disease?

Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is a genetic blood disorder where the person affected is deficient in a protein that helps blood clot — the Von Willebrand factor.  According to the Hemophilia Federation of America, the disease is genetic and often takes a while to be diagnosed as the…

What Is Acquired Hemophilia?

The majority of hemophilia cases are genetic, affect males and are diagnosed fairly early in childhood. However, there are rare cases of hemophilia that develop later in life and are called “acquired hemophilia.” MORE: Four hemophilia screening tests. Acquired hemophilia is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks blood clotting…

How Hemophilia Is Inherited

Hemophilia is a rare disorder where the person is unable to stop bleeding due to a lack of certain blood clotting factors. It’s a genetic disease that’s passed down through the X chromosome. Almost all people with hemophilia are male, however, women can be carriers of the disease. MORE: Explaining hemophilia carriers.

How Exercise Helps With Hemophilia Management

Prior to the 1970s, people with hemophilia were encouraged to refrain from any form of exercise or physical activity out of fear they would injure themselves. However, the lack of exercise led to obesity and lower bone density and general overall health problems. Nowadays, people living with hemophilia are encouraged to participate in…

How Diet Can Help With Hemophilia Management

Eating well is important for everyone, but particularly for those living with hemophilia. Eating a diet that encourages strong bones and muscles and helps keep you at a healthy body weight is essential. MORE: Young boys explain what it’s like to live with hemophilia Obesity is becoming a major problem when it…

Living With Hemophilia: Brandston’s Story

To help prevent bleeds in hemophilia patients, many people living with the disease need to have infusions of clotting factor. In this video from infuzrTV, we meet super cute 5-year-old Brandston. Brandston has severe hemophilia A and needs to have clotting factor infusions on alternate days. MORE: …

Roger Ailes’ Journey With Hemophilia

On May 18, Roger Ailes, the former CEO of Fox News passed away at his home in Florida after suffering a fall. The 77-year-old was diagnosed with hemophilia at the age of two, after he fell, bit his tongue and couldn’t stop bleeding. MORE: Six self-care tips for people living with…

13 Tips for Managing Your Child’s Hemophilia

Life with hemophilia can be challenging but there are ways that you can manage the disease to ensure your child leads as normal a life as possible. To help you navigate your child’s illness and help prevent bleeds, we’ve put together a list of tips. MORE: How to prepare for your child’s…

4 Things to Consider Before Getting a Service Dog

Having a service dog can greatly enhance the life of someone living with a chronic disease. They allow patients to regain some of their independence by helping with small everyday tasks like opening and closing doors, fetching meds, acting as a prop or support as their owner stands, switching on lights and attracting attention…