Dating gets awkward with hemophilia and epilepsy
Jared Formalejo, who has hemophilia B, and his wife, Alliah, live in the Philippines. They share their journey of love and navigating hemophilia and seizures together.
Alliah: Jared had a seizure on our first date. Jared has a seizure disorder, aside from hemophilia.
Jared: It was caused by a brain injury during my fifth grade. So I have complex partial seizures.
Alliah: So that type of seizure isn’t the common type of seizure that you know of, the shaky kind of seizure. It’s more he’s in a dreamlike state during and after his seizure. So on that day, it was our first date, and he somehow managed to have a seizure.
Jared: And imagine this: We were in the middle of a big, open, well, field, and then, you know, stars under us and, you know.
Alliah: It’s very romantic. And somehow that’s how our first kiss happened.
Jared: Our first kiss happened, and I was not conscious.
Alliah: Semi-conscious, right?
Jared: Semi-conscious, yeah.
Alliah: Semi-conscious.
Jared: Yeah, I was dreaming that time, but apparently it happened. So I guess it was a dream come true.
Alliah: Somehow he remembered. So thankful for that. And there were a second and third date, so all’s well that ends well.
Jared: Turned out well. Something that defined our marriage — a first-date seizure and a first-date-seizure first kiss. So.
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