Video: Bionews’ Social Media Campaign Highlights #WhatMakesMeRare

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by Kellie Benn |

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In recognition of Rare Disease Day Feb. 29, Bionews Services launched a social media campaign last month asking patients to describe what makes them rare.

Running Feb. 7–29, the #WhatMakesMeRare campaign was aimed at uplifting people with rare diseases by encouraging them to share their stories and perspectives.

The response was overwhelming, with more than 100 people sending in their inspirational videos and stories, which were shared via Bionews’ social medial platforms and are estimated to have reached about 50,000 people so far.

“We were touched by each testimony, and we hope their voices can be heard and inspire people all over the world,” said Isaura Santos, Bionews’ social media director. “On behalf of Bionews, I want to thank everyone involved internally, and I want to express my gratitude toward each rare disease patient who shared a piece of their hearts with us and the world.”

To hear from just a few of the participants in the #WhatMakesMeRare campaign, watch the video below.