Shellye Horowitz,  —

Shellye Horowitz is a licensed school counselor and school administrator with over 25 years of experience in education. Shellye has strong ties to the bleeding disorders community with six traceable generations of hemophilia A in her family. As a woman with hemophilia, Shellye feels fortunate to have obtained a correct diagnosis and access to care, albeit later in life. Her desire is to spread awareness that women also have hemophilia and need appropriate and equitable care. Shellye lives in Northern California, where she and her dog, “Hope,” love to play on the beach and wander through the majestic Redwood forests.

Articles by Shellye Horowitz

Navigating the Holidays With Humor

Navigating the holidays can be taxing, even in the best of times, even in the best of families. Navigating the holidays with a bleeding disorder adds to the holiday challenge. Navigating the holidays with a bleeding disorder during a global pandemic? Well, that may be a bit…

30 Ways to Find Hope in Dark Spaces

Feeling hopeless? Wondering how you will possibly find the energy to go on? Wanting to smash your alarm clock, pull your covers over your head, and hide in your bed all day long? You are not alone. Coping with hemophilia day in and day out, as a patient or a…

Combating 4 Common Myths About Hemophilia 

When I have the opportunity to gather with my brothers and sisters from the hemophilia community, I notice we all have stories to tell. When you live with a rare disease, you are bound to have unique interactions with medical providers, family members, friends, and colleagues. These interactions range from…

Knowing When to Move On

We’ve all had them: those amazing flings that morph into less-than-ideal relationships. During the initial honeymoon phase, the person we are with appears to do nothing wrong. At that moment, we are certain that this time is different. We believe that…

Celebrating Our Personal Victories

Last week I hit a significant personal milestone. In order to keep myself mobile and healthy, I ride a recumbent indoor bike — a lot! I used to ride over 100 miles a week. Riding my bike has kept me and my joints healthy. It’s also helped…