In the Twinkling of an Eye - a Column by Joe MacDonald

manual, rest, unexpected, work ethic, pets Joe is the father of two sons with hemophilia. He and his wife, Cazandra, are active members in the bleeding disorders community and often facilitate workshops both locally and nationally. Joe is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and writes a blog about spirituality and faith. You may follow his blog at

My Family’s Angel Has Left a Mark on Our Hearts

When my first son was 6 months old, we experienced our initial reception into the world of hemophilia. Until that point, his bleeding disorder had not reared its ugly head. This was his first internal bleed into a joint (his ankle), and we prepared to find a vein to…

What Does It Mean to Be Perfect and Whole?

Many years ago, friends told me about a workshop they attended, which addressed newly diagnosed patients with bleeding disorders. As they talked about the class, I agreed with everything I heard until one of the facilitators said that with a new diagnosis comes a sense of mourning. “Yes,” I…

The Power of Sharing Our Stories

I taught choral music in a few local school districts in the Houston metropolitan area in a former life. One year, a friend of mine in the bleeding disorders community asked if I had a group that could provide entertainment at the hemophilia Christmas party. I told her…

Giving More Thought to Vaccinations

With all of the talk about COVID-19 vaccinations being right around the corner, I cannot help but feel like I can finally breathe. Hopefully, at this time next year the world will look back on the year past and proclaim, “We are free at last!” Life may return to normal,…

A Unique Perspective on a Season

Before having children, my definition of a season of life did not contain color. Everything appeared black and white. If there was a medical issue, it lasted for a little while and soon passed. Nothing remained for long. The most significant medical problem I faced was when I broke my…