
Halloween Brings Back Memories of a Hospital Staff’s Kindness

On Monday, the preschool at my church celebrated Halloween, complete with little goblins, ghosts, and other assorted creatures. The children bragged about their costumes, saying, “Look, Pastor Joe, I’m a princess. Look, Pastor Joe, I’m a ferocious Samurai warrior.” They looked terrific, and I asked them if they wanted a…

How My Son Caeleb’s Birth Foreshadowed His Strength

Last week, I wrote about the bond I formed immediately with my oldest son, Julian. Caeleb, my youngest son, recently reminded me of the unique bond he and I share. Toward the end of her third trimester, my wife, Cazandra, started to experience complications, so her medical team admitted…

How These Bruises Make for Better Conversation

My husband, Jared, gets a lot of bruises. Not because he gets into brawls a lot, and most certainly not because we fight (although we like to troll people with these possibilities just for fun — dark humor, we know). His quick bruising is because he has severe…