In the Twinkling of an Eye - a Column by Joe MacDonald

manual, rest, unexpected, work ethic, pets Joe is the father of two sons with hemophilia. He and his wife, Cazandra, are active members in the bleeding disorders community and often facilitate workshops both locally and nationally. Joe is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and writes a blog about spirituality and faith. You may follow his blog at

I Will Teach You How to Skate and Sing

Sometimes chronic illness holds us completely captive, and we lose moments due to pain or other complications. My family is no exception, as my youngest son experienced one year. He spent almost every holiday between October and February in the hospital. I helplessly stood by and watched my son lose…

We Struggle and We Move On

Both of my sons packed and all three of us MacDonald guys were ready for what my youngest calls a “Daddy and Son Mad-capped Adventure.” My wife had an out-of-town speaking engagement, so that meant the youngest had to travel with my oldest and me. We were on our way…

It’s a Long Way from Home to First Base

My youngest son wanted to play baseball. “Come on, Dad!” he pleaded. “I will wear a helmet and knee pads and anything else.” I wrestled with how to answer him. My son had a considerable complication called an inhibitor. Failure to make the correct decision might cause a horrific bleed…

Moving Forward Despite Hemophilia Battle Fatigue

Boxes, boxes, and more boxes! We can’t seem to find a way to sift through the endless sea of those irritating but necessary cardboard contraptions containing pieces of our lives. We know that we cannot stop piecing together our lives in another place. Moving forward appears to be the best…

Hemophilia Camp Sparks Joy in My Son

My son gets off the bus. I look at his face, hoping to see an indication of how his first camp experience went. Did he have a good time? What kind of life lessons did he learn being away from home for a whole week? I looked for answers…

Finding the Meaning in the Word ‘Team’

I am originally from Texas, so I know the meaning of the word “team.” The Lone Star State reveres sports organizations like no other place in the country. Friday nights in the fall are overwhelmed with football, marching bands, and great times to visit with friends. Everyone gathers together with…