
Catalyst Announces Updates on Two Lead Compounds for Hemophilia

Catalyst Biosciences recently announced updates on two of its lead compounds — Factor VIIa (FVIIa) marzeptacog alfa (activated) (MarzAA) and Factor IX (FIX) dalcinonacog alfa (DalcA) — for treatment of hemophilia A or B with inhibitors, and for hemophilia B. DalcA is a potent recombinant (artificial) Factor IX prophylactic therapy designed to prevent acute bleeding…

Rising Healthcare Costs Strain EU Budgets Even as New Therapies Flourish

Cash-strapped governments across the 28-member European Union are struggling to control runaway healthcare expenditures — at exactly the same time as the promise of new but expensive therapies to treat rare diseases has never been greater. That’s the paradox faced by pharmaceutical companies as well as patient advocacy groups in…

New Analysis Confirms Hemlibra’s Sustained Efficacy in Controlling Bleeding in Some Children With Hemophilia A

A new analysis of the Phase 3 HAVEN 2 study’s results shows that Genentech’s Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) prophylaxis (preventive treatment) leads to significant reductions in the number of bleeds among hemophilia A children younger than 12 with factor VIII inhibitors. The results showed that Hemlibra administered on different schedules — once a…