‘Awesome’ Book Contest Invites Hem B Patients to Share Their Story

As part of a Coalition for Hemophilia B contest, people with hemophilia B, their siblings, and caregivers are invited to design a comic or coloring book that tells a story about how they manage this rare blood disease.
There will be a $500 award for winners in each of four age groups: children, 4–8; “tweenagers” ages 9–12; teenagers, 13–19; and adults, 20 and older. Contestants must be organization members.
The submission deadline is June 30, and winners will be announced on July 7.
Each book must run between eight and 12 pages, and tell a story — from its start to end — of “How I manage my hemophilia B.” For example, entrants may describe how they prepare for vacation, what they love about camp, or their experience at an hemophilia treatment center.
“What’s your story? This contest is your opportunity to tell a story and have it put into a coloring book or comic book. Were you out with friends and did something happen? How did you handle it? Stories must have a beginning, middle, and end. Your story should be helpful to others with hemophilia but uniquely yours,” the organization states in its contest webpage.
The contest’s focus is on ideas, rather than artistry. In fact, entrants may merely describe images they wish to include, and the organization will have an artist bring those ideas to life.
Story submissions or questions should be emailed to [email protected]. Submissions may also be mailed to the Coalition for Hemophilia B, 757 Third Avenue, Suite 20, New York, NY 10017.
Now in its 30th year, the Coalition for Hemophilia B is an organization that seeks to improve the quality of life of patients and their families through education, empowerment, advocacy, and outreach.
It offers educational resources and programs for members of all ages that aim to bring together hemophilia patients from all over the U.S. The ultimate goal of these initiatives is to help patients connect with each other, while providing them with tools and the knowledge needed to make important decisions in their lives.
Some initiatives include scholarships, retreats, patient assistance funding programs, and family oriented meetings where the organization shares key information about treatment options, insurance issues, and disease management. More information is available on the group’s website.