Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

Major Breakthrough in Treatment for Severe Hemophilia A

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTIVORH7anc This video from Wochit News is all about a new treatment for severe hemophilia A. The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, California, has developed a breakthrough treatment that can reduce the bleeding episodes in people living with hemophilia A by up to 90 percent. MORE: Emicizumab shows…

3 Possible Issues Teens With Hemophilia May Face

The teenage years are tough for most children but for those living with a chronic bleeding disorder, these years can be extra stressful. When they’re young, most of a hemophilia patient’s needs are met by their parents and they can be suitably supervised to ensure they come to no harm. However,…

5 Benefits of Cannabis Tea for Chronic Illnesses

Medical marijuana is gaining popularity as a complementary medicine to help with many symptoms associated with chronic illnesses. While many people are curious about how marijuana (or cannabis) may help improve their symptoms, they are also reluctant to smoke the substance. However, there are ways that medical marijuana can be administered, including…

Hemophilia CHOICE Project Survey

The Hemophilia Foundation of American (HFA) has teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create a survey for hemophilia and bleeding disorder patients who don’t currently receive care from a government-funded hemophilia treatment center (HTC). MORE: Why shared data is important for furthering hemophilia research…

“Stop the Bleeding!” Family Education Day

“Stop the Bleeding!” is an online fictional mockumentary series which follows a hapless and dysfunctional organization that aims to raise money and awareness of bleeding disorders such as hemophilia. MORE: How you can make an impact today In this episode shared by BloodFeed, the team…

What Is Prophylaxis?

Prophylaxis is the term used for the infusion of clotting factor (proteins in the blood which help to stem blood flow) for people living with severe hemophilia. This is a preventative measure to avoid bleeds should the patient injure themselves and can also be taken after a bleed to lessen…