In the Twinkling of an Eye - a Column by Joe MacDonald

manual, rest, unexpected, work ethic, pets Joe is the father of two sons with hemophilia. He and his wife, Cazandra, are active members in the bleeding disorders community and often facilitate workshops both locally and nationally. Joe is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and writes a blog about spirituality and faith. You may follow his blog at

Merry Christmas, Now Let’s Infuse

Special days come up: holidays, birthdays, and vacations. We take time to relax and enjoy ourselves, but there is always something staring us in the face. Needles do not care what days may be essential or ordinary. They call to our families, reminding us that hemophilia does not…

Ways to Claim a Season of Joy During Difficult Circumstances

One Thanksgiving season, nothing seemed to go right. Both of my sons suffered in completely different ways. “MacDonald the Older” faced bullies who looked forward to nothing more than terrorizing him, while “MacDonald the Younger” faced hospitalizations that lasted for lengthy periods. Hemophilia took its toll on both…

Caring for Adult Children

“MacDonald the Older” and I drove down the road that leads to his college. We stopped at a local restaurant, had a good meal, and then attended a concert together. I look forward to times like these when I get to share some laughs with my adult son.

Battling the Monsters Together

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some take the form of needles that terrify young children. Others terrorize us as we battle chronic illnesses. Scary creatures reveal themselves and change us because of the horrors they bring into our lives. Ghosts and shadows leave us breathless and…

A Not-So-Healthy Dose of Nerves

My youngest son continues to celebrate good health. The last time he suffered a joint bleed was in February 2014. A million years seem to have passed since the days of horrific bleeds and endless hospital visits. We used to know every nurse by name on the pediatric…

‘Baby Is Sooo Big’

There is a children’s picture book called “How Big is Baby?” The response to the baby is, “Baby is sooo big!” It is a great book as it empowers our children to know that they are a large part of life. We remind them that the love we…

Giving Thanks for My Hero, My Mother

Before I share my story, I must make a disclaimer. The pastor/counselor side of me cannot continue without acknowledging that my story is not everyone else’s story. Some people in the bleeding disorders community do not have the support that many of us appreciate. I can’t believe how…