
My Husband Is Strong Because of Hemophilia

A sealed jar that no one can open. A faucet attachment that’s been screwed on too tightly. A piece of furniture that needs to be moved. These are just some of the problems we encounter at our home on a regular basis. And the one person who can solve them?…

Returning to a Plant-based Diet This ‘Veganuary’

The U.K. charity Veganuary challenges people to eat only vegan foods in the month of January as part of an effort to promote health, protect the environment, and end animal farming. People choose to follow a vegan diet, which excludes all animal products such as eggs, dairy, and meat,…

Advocacy Needs to Continue, Even During Easy Times

We find ourselves in a delightful spot regarding hemophilia. My youngest boy’s last internal bleeding episode occurred nearly eight years ago. Using prophylactic treatment, we’re managing his bleeding disorder well. My older son, who struggled with breakthrough bleeding episodes despite using a recombinant factor VIII product, now finds…

Without the Darkness, We Wouldn’t See the Light

In Chinese philosophy, the concepts of yin and yang represent two opposing forces that come together in synergy to complement each other and create a perfect balance. Their symbols are interconnected black and white halves of a circle, each with a dot of the opposite half’s color. It perfectly…

A Moment of Meditation Helps Clear My Path

Last weekend, I met with some of my pastoral colleagues at a restaurant in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The food was terrific and we dined with the mountains behind us. I looked out the window to see several ski runs etched in the slopes and thought, “My goodness, it doesn’t…

My Husband Chose a Simple Birthday Celebration

My husband, Jared, recently celebrated his birthday. Hooray for 29 years of fighting and surviving! He opted for a low-key celebration at home with me, our daughter, Cittie, and her nanny. Because it was a weekday and I had to work, we didn’t have much time to do anything particularly…