
Mama Bears, It’s Time to Take Action

A few weeks ago, the news media broadcasted a video of Jill Biden — spouse of presidential hopeful and former vice president Joe Biden — physically blocking a protester in California from coming into contact with her husband. Not only did Jill put herself in between her husband and the…

Making Lasting Memories While in Isolation

As an introvert, coronavirus isolation is not problematic for me. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy. My graduate schoolwork is online, and the normalcy of school has been nice during these uncertain times. I hear about people who have a hard time in isolation, and honestly,…

Keep Your Swing in the Barrel

I met my husband on the golf course. Now, one of my greatest joys is watching my daughter learn to play at that very same course. It is where I feel most at home. The course is not a relaxing set of fairways we see on Sunday afternoon broadcasts with…

As Parents, We Are in the Construction Business

Raising children is like building a house. For those of us who manage chronic illness and other disorders, our floor plans may look a little different, but at the end of the day, we all want our loved ones to be strong and sturdy, and ready to face life’s…

When Hemophilia Meets Epilepsy

It’s a struggle to balance life with two disorders. I need to take daily medications for epilepsy while also self-infusing to treat internal bleeds. I recently suffered a horrible epileptic episode. My wife, Cza, and I were walking with our baby, Cittie, when I felt a strong aura warn…