The 'I' in Hemophilia - a Column by Jared Formalejo

Jared is a 25-year-old man from the Philippines who has hemophilia and epilepsy. He's an aspiring entrepreneur happily living with his partner, Cza, and his daughter, Cittie — his pillars of strength and support.

Reflecting on My First Father’s Day As a Dad

I’m happy to finally be an official member of the Father’s Day club. I’ve learned much from the way my own family raised me. It’s an uphill battle raising our daughter Cittie with the occasional bleed dragging me down. But seeing her mature so quickly…

Looking on the Lighter Side of Stress

I’ve found the stress of my first two months of fatherhood overwhelming. We’ve had many sleepless nights as we’ve adjusted to meeting the constant demands of a crying baby. My wife and I are incredibly sleep-deprived. But seeing my child smile when she sees my face first thing in the…

The Struggles of Dating with a Chronic Illness

Looking at myself now, my younger self never would have expected me to be where I am. Recalling my younger years, I remember having anxiety about being alone when I grew up. I always thought I’d have a hard time finding a partner and that my dating life would be…

My First Steps into Parenthood

As I write this, I’m bedridden from a bleed in my right hip. I’m learning what it means to have both hemophilia and a baby girl. Although I could see this bleed as a spirit-breaker, I’m readjusting, and I’ll be better prepared for episodes like this in the future.

Hi, Baby! My Thoughts on Becoming a Father

Editor’s note: After this column was written, Jared and his wife welcomed a healthy baby girl, Melanie Citrine, on Jan. 18. Congratulations! My wife is 38 weeks pregnant. I’ll soon be a father. That fact is becoming more real to me every day. I have many questions: Will I be…

Finding Meaning in Chronic Illness

I was born into this world with hemophilia. As a child, it was a reality I had to face, and I have no one to blame for my misfortune. Did I want to be born? Did my parents intend that I have a different life? No. It would be wrong…

Merry Christmas from Our HAPLOS Community

My local hemophilia organization just held its annual Christmas party. During these celebrations, we are reminded that we belong to a community that empowers, cares, and provides us with support and service. Christmas is a time for giving, showing gratitude, and spreading love. During our Christmas party, it was heartwarming…

Exercising with Hemophilia Has More Pros Than Cons

An important part of my role in the Hemophilia Association of the Philippines for Love and Service (HAPLOS) is the promotion of physical fitness and exercise. I see many young hemophiliacs strapped to wheelchairs and wearing protective gear. It pains me to see them deprived of the ability…