In the Twinkling of an Eye - a Column by Joe MacDonald

manual, rest, unexpected, work ethic, pets Joe is the father of two sons with hemophilia. He and his wife, Cazandra, are active members in the bleeding disorders community and often facilitate workshops both locally and nationally. Joe is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and writes a blog about spirituality and faith. You may follow his blog at

Reflecting on My Son’s Medical History

I recently accompanied my youngest son to his comprehensive checkup at the Ted R. Montoya Hemophilia Program and Treatment Center. Located in Albuquerque and affiliated with the University of New Mexico hospital system, the center serves as our main treatment facility for hemophilia. “MacDonald the Younger” started seeing the…

How My Sons Conquered the Hemophilia Giant

Last Sunday, I preached a sermon about the Old Testament story of David slaying the giant Goliath. David was young and much shorter than the very tall Goliath. The odds were against David, yet through divine intervention, he did the unthinkable and took Goliath’s life with one stone. His…

Medical Road Maps Appeal to Visual Learners Like Me

In past columns, I wrote about the benefits of creating a medical road map to keep everyone involved in my son’s hemophilia care on the same page. This collegial approach included data from medical, educational, and personal perspectives, allowing us to form a rich assessment of my stinky boy’s…

Summer Brings New Adventures for the MacDonald Men

This summer brings a tinge of melancholy as the Sangre de Oro Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation has announced that its usual weeklong summer camp will not meet in person. While I understand the reason for avoiding unnecessary health risks, I still feel sad for the regular…

When the Seas of Chronic Illness Appear Calm

Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) has been a wonder medicine for many hemophilia patients, including my youngest son. Among the benefits that he receives is a respite from internal bleeds. He now infuses every other week instead of every day. We no longer focus on numbers regarding inhibitor levels, but pray…