
Rare New Case of Pseudotumor in non-Hemophiliac Patient Reported

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic Arizona have reported a third rare case of hemophilic pseudotumor (HP) identified in a non-hemophiliac patient. Findings from the investigation, “Hemophilic pseudotumor in a non-hemophilic patient treated with a hybrid procedure of preoperative embolization of the feeding arteries followed by surgical resection—A…

Type of Chromatin Seen to Stop ‘Jumping Genes’ from Doing Harm, as in Hemophilia

New research suggests that the main developmental role of heterochromatin, a form of dense DNA found in chromosomes, is to suppress virus-like DNA elements known as “jumping genes” from replicating and attaching themselves across a person’s genome, potentially destroying important genes and causing a variety of diseases, including hemophilia and cancer. The study, by University of North Carolina…

Sangamo’s Genome Editing Therapy for Hemophilia B Named ‘Orphan Drug’ by FDA

Sangamo BioSciences announced that its zinc finger nuclease (ZFN)-mediated genome editing product, SB-FIX, has received orphan drug designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), speeding its development as a potential treatment for hemophilia B. Sangamo plans to initiate a Phase 1/2 clinical trial, SB-FIX-1501, in adults with this disease later…

Brain Hemorrhage in Boy with Hemophilia Treated with Transfusions

Researchers in India recently reported the case of child with hemophilia and traumatic intracerebellar hemorrhage, who was successfully treated with transfusions of plasma. They recommend a conservative approach as a first line of treatment, before more invasive alternatives such as surgery. The case report, “Intracerebellar haemorrage in a haemophilia child,” was published in…

Porcine Recombinant Factor VIII Valid for Certain Hemophilia A, Review Suggests

In hemophilia A, the most significant therapeutic complication is the development of antibodies against factor VIII (FVIII) that inhibit its coagulant activity and make the therapy ineffective. The plasma-derived porcine FVIII product represents a therapy with low levels of autoantibodies and successful management of bleeding when compared to human plasma-derived products.