Finding Gratitude in My COVID-19 World

Shellye Horowitz avatar

by Shellye Horowitz |

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gratitude, community

COVID-19 has upended our lives. It is hard. As an individual with a chronic condition, I find myself worrying about how it will affect me in ways that may be different from those of my neighbors or co-workers without chronic conditions.

Thankfully, the hemophilia community has been told that the pandemic likely won’t affect our medication supply. Some medical supplies, such as alcohol wipes and gloves, may be harder to obtain, and our pharmaceutical companies that provide them are working hard to find what we need.

In the midst of the fears about what we cannot control, I have found myself pausing and acknowledging incredible gratitude

Thank you

I am so thankful for our UPS delivery guy, Mike, who has dropped off countless packages for me with a smile. Some of them weighed a lot!

My neighbor works in a supermarket. She is on the front line daily, also with a smile, working to ensure that our community stays stocked with food.

I have many friends and family members who are medical professionals. They are doctors, nurses, lab techs, and pharmacists who work countless hours to help our communities. They want to serve. Our world is lucky to have them.

I can control some things

Acknowledging the gift of the little things I can control and the moments I have gained is helpful.

I have slept better in the past few weeks than I have in months, since I have been working from home. No commute time means a slower start to each morning.

I love the rural area where I live. Walking in forests and on beaches while easily social distancing is not something I take for granted. While this was already part of my routine, I now see others out enjoying nature more often (from our physically distanced positions). I am glad people are getting back to nature.

I have more time with my kids, whom I greatly enjoy (most of the time). These moments are precious, as my teens have grown up too quickly.

Online meetups and conversations with many friends are scheduled constantly, and my social life has actually expanded. I live far away from most of my friends, and I can now join in many activities because they have shifted online. I love being included in so many conversations and gatherings that I normally would be unable to participate in.

I’m also binge-watching everything. It has been fun to find new shows and enjoy getting lost in them.

And there’s baking, baking, and more baking! With more time at home, I have been making some great meals and even better desserts. I’m baking up a storm. Experimenting with new recipes has been fun. It’s serious carboholic heaven at my home. I suppose the diet will start in the fall.

Community appreciation. I work at a school. The staff members are superstars, transitioning our high school online in under a week. Our parents and students have been amazing, too. Everyone is in a tough situation, and they have been incredibly kind and supportive. We are working together to make the most of this time and help our students. It has been touching to watch.

This will end

When this is over, there is no question that we will remember the disruption to our lives. There will be great relief when we can get back to normal. And I will take a moment to pause and remember fondly that in the midst of a horrible worldwide pandemic, I experienced many gifts.


Note: Hemophilia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Hemophilia News Today or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to hemophilia.


Brianna Albers avatar

Brianna Albers

Love this so much, Shellye! It's hard to remember that things will inevitably return to normal, even if it takes a while, but this column is a great reminder to focus on what we can control. You are so appreciated!

Also, tag, you're it!


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