Looking Forward to a ‘Family’ Reunion

I’m a homebody. I work from home most days, and when I’m relaxing, I’m quilting, sewing, or weaving. The gratitude I have for my home and my activities there is overwhelming in the best of ways. While the pandemic has caused many to feel trapped, unable to move about the…

Complacency Is Out, and Hemophilia Is In

There was a time when I couldn’t make plans because hemophilia was the center of my life. Vacations were dreams, family outings were few and far between, and the mundane happenings of everyday life were nonexistent. There was no sense of complacency. Every waking moment was consumed with the…

Teachable Moments May Change Perspectives

I went to college to become a teacher. Actually, to become a middle school band director. Four years of college were great, but student teaching was how I learned to teach. Two excellent supervisory teachers helped me find my way, answered questions, and taught me useful lessons by their example.