
Would You Choose Another Path?

Usually, as the year comes to a close, we turn our attention to resolutions. It’s often a reflective time, when the prior year’s events and actions come under scrutiny. The most common resolution usually has something to do with health and fitness. But 2020 is far and away a different…

The Power of Sharing Our Stories

I taught choral music in a few local school districts in the Houston metropolitan area in a former life. One year, a friend of mine in the bleeding disorders community asked if I had a group that could provide entertainment at the hemophilia Christmas party. I told her…

Giving More Thought to Vaccinations

With all of the talk about COVID-19 vaccinations being right around the corner, I cannot help but feel like I can finally breathe. Hopefully, at this time next year the world will look back on the year past and proclaim, “We are free at last!” Life may return to normal,…

Navigating the Holidays With Humor

Navigating the holidays can be taxing, even in the best of times, even in the best of families. Navigating the holidays with a bleeding disorder adds to the holiday challenge. Navigating the holidays with a bleeding disorder during a global pandemic? Well, that may be a bit…

Finding Contentment in Change

Want to be happier and more content in life? Embrace change, a study published in The Review of Economic Studies notes. I did a double take when I first read about the study at Oftentimes, change and contentment are presented as completely opposing ideas. The stereotypically “content”…