
Hemophilia Care Entails More Than Treating Bleeds

Grab the factor, syringes, butterfly needles, drapes, Band-Aids, self-adherent wrap, sharps container, and tourniquet! These things are usually what comes to mind when we think about hemophilia care. Medical supplies are the first thing we think of when we plan for day-to-day life with hemophilia. Preventing and treating bleeds…

How Disability Influences the Way We Parent

When I was a child, I learned a song called “Greatest Love of All.” I’ve always found the first two lines particularly striking: “I believe the children are our future/ Teach them well and let them lead the way.” Now that I am a mom to my very own spunky…

I Made the Mistake of Invalidating My Husband

It just slipped out that one time. I wasn’t even thinking. My husband, Jared, and I had been talking casually about how some of his friends had taken up cycling, when I made the offhand comment that he might be able to do the same. After all, I said, other…