The Forgotten Factor - a Column by G Shellye Horowitz

G Shellye Horowitz, MA, PPS has strong ties to the bleeding disorders community with six traceable generations of hemophilia A in her family. Shellye has hemophilia A. Her advocacy work includes an emphasis on early diagnosis and care for females with hemophilia and strengthening diagnosis and care for all people with mild bleeding disorders.Shellye is a licensed school counselor and principal with over 30 years experience. She currently works for the University of Washington as a researcher in the Johnsen Lab.Shellye lives in Northern California, where she and her dog, “Hope,” love to wander through the majestic Redwood forests. All opinions are her own.

Women Need Early Factor Level Testing

Not all medical visits are created equal. Sadly, or perhaps horrifyingly, some women must fight to get access to the most basic of care, while others are fortunate enough to access it easily. While this is reality, it is not OK. It is imperative for the health of…

Women Must Keep Pushing for Hemophilia Diagnoses

Today my hematologist complimented me. She told me that, had I not persevered, I may have only been labeled a “carrier” and my bleeding disorder may not have been adequately understood. For me to be healthy, it is critical that my bleeding disorder is understood. My hemophilia…

Finding Gratitude in My COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has upended our lives. It is hard. As an individual with a chronic condition, I find myself worrying about how it will affect me in ways that may be different from those of my neighbors or co-workers without chronic conditions. Thankfully, the hemophilia community has…

It’s Not Easy Getting Appropriate Care

Accessing quality healthcare can be a struggle. Women with hemophilia have added challenges that range from not understanding their own bodies (after years of ignoring symptoms) to struggling to find knowledgeable healthcare providers. Growing up with an undiagnosed bleeding disorder meant years of dismissed symptoms. I was in…

It’s OK to Advocate for Care

I attended my first women-only hemophilia retreat in the fall of 2016. To say the weekend was an eye-opener would be a gross understatement. It changed my life. First of all, I learned that I was not alone in my struggles to understand lifelong bleeding…