The Forgotten Factor - a Column by Shellye Horowitz

self-care, hope, forums, myths

Shellye Horowitz is a licensed school counselor and school administrator with over 25 years of experience in education. Shellye has strong ties to the bleeding disorders community with six traceable generations of hemophilia A in her family. As a woman with hemophilia, Shellye feels fortunate to have obtained a correct diagnosis and access to care, albeit later in life. Her desire is to spread awareness that women also have hemophilia and need appropriate and equitable care. Shellye lives in Northern California, where she and her dog, “Hope,” love to play on the beach and wander through the majestic Redwood forests.

Gratitude on the Hemophilia Journey

Living with hemophilia is challenging for anyone. It can be even more difficult for women who struggle to obtain a diagnosis and treatment. Despite the struggles, I am thankful for many things. A missed diagnosis I am thankful that the hospital lab made an…

I’m Bleeding, Believe Me

I recently attended a national conference for women with hemophilia. Common themes emerged as I listened to women’s stories of life with bleeding disorders. The number of women dismissed by top medical professionals working for hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs) was alarming. I wondered why this is happening. Dominant…

An Open Letter to Providers Treating Women with Hemophilia

I am writing to you on behalf of all the women with a hemophilia mutation. My blood sisters have varying medical diagnoses: asymptomatic carrier, symptomatic carrier, mild hemophilia, moderate hemophilia, and even severe hemophilia. Their diagnosis is often linked to the philosophies of their hematologist or hemophilia treatment center.

I Feared My Diagnosis and Loss of the Known

Getting diagnosed with hemophilia is a whirlwind. It doesn’t matter if someone is diagnosed at birth or in their 40s: Their world is turned upside down. It is terrifying. Life is changed forever. I feel Father Anthony DeMello put it best in his…