The Forgotten Factor - a Column by Shellye Horowitz

self-care, hope, forums, myths

Shellye Horowitz is a licensed school counselor and school administrator with over 25 years of experience in education. Shellye has strong ties to the bleeding disorders community with six traceable generations of hemophilia A in her family. As a woman with hemophilia, Shellye feels fortunate to have obtained a correct diagnosis and access to care, albeit later in life. Her desire is to spread awareness that women also have hemophilia and need appropriate and equitable care. Shellye lives in Northern California, where she and her dog, “Hope,” love to play on the beach and wander through the majestic Redwood forests.

Life Between Peak and Trough

One of the challenges for individuals with hemophilia — whether severe, moderate, or mild — is bleeds. Often people with hemophilia will struggle with bleeds into their joints. The bleeds are painful and limit mobility. If left untreated, they can cause long-term damage, such as arthritis.

My Hemophilia Is an Invisible Disability

When you look at me, you’ll see a quirky, colorful, loud, and active person, yet at the same time, I am reserved. I am of average height and weight, and am known as a hiker, a cyclist, and (for very short stints) a beach jogger. I smile a…

Factor Replacement Trials Must Include Women

Dear pharmaceutical companies,  I am speaking to every one of you who makes a factor replacement product for hemophilia.  Thank you for developing more options and safer products for our community. Because of your research, we have products that greatly improve our…

An Open Letter to Hemophilia Parents

Dear Hemophilia Parent, Today, I write to you. I am a child with hemophilia. I am taking the liberty of speaking on behalf of your child, who may be 2 days, 2 years, or 20 years old. First and foremost, you are awesome, and I…

The Female Factor: Supporting Women with Hemophilia

An opportunity arises Five years ago, Ashley Gregory was asked to head The Female Factor (TFF), a program sponsored by the Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California (HFNC). According to Ashley, this opportunity brought her out of her shell and helped her to discover an affinity and…