The Forgotten Factor - a Column by G Shellye Horowitz

G Shellye Horowitz, MA, PPS has strong ties to the bleeding disorders community with six traceable generations of hemophilia A in her family. Shellye has hemophilia A. Her advocacy work includes an emphasis on early diagnosis and care for females with hemophilia and strengthening diagnosis and care for all people with mild bleeding disorders.Shellye is a licensed school counselor and principal with over 30 years experience. She currently works for the University of Washington as a researcher in the Johnsen Lab.Shellye lives in Northern California, where she and her dog, “Hope,” love to wander through the majestic Redwood forests. All opinions are her own.

Take Care of Yourselves, Carrier Moms!

Carrier moms — those whose sons or daughters have hemophilia — inspire me. I see you struggle, sometimes daily, with the realities of parenting a child who has a chronic condition. Your tireless dedication necessary to ensure a child’s safety and proper medical treatment can be challenging and…

Hemophilia Inheritance Graphics Need Updating

Inheritance patterns in hemophilia are a common discussion topic for many reasons. Among the reasons that people seek information about hemophilia inheritance is their desire to better understand if their future children might be at risk for inheriting the disorder. Not only do people express concern regarding their children, but…

Beating the Bleeding Disorder Blues

Editor’s note: Please be advised that the topic of suicide is addressed in this column. Resources for help are listed at the end of the column. It happens to the best of us. The alarm goes off in the morning and we do NOT want to get out…

Horrible Periods Are Not Necessary

We grow up hearing our mentors — women we respect and love — regularly complain about menses. Periods seem to be a fairly universal inconvenience and bother. However, I believe there is a fine line between inconvenience and suffering. Your period should not make you miserable. Movements to…

Managing Holiday Stress with Hemophilia

I love the holidays — candlelight, decorations, the smell of baking, and time with family. I look forward to the holidays every year, but I am also keenly aware that holidays can be more stressful with the realities of managing hemophilia. Here are some tips for…

Counting the Missing Women with Hemophilia

The World Federation of Hemophilia states that any person, male or female, with factor levels below 40 percent has hemophilia. However, conventional medical wisdom has not caught up. Women who have abnormal bleeding should be assessed for hemophilia, particularly when they have a family history. Yet too…

Gratitude on the Hemophilia Journey

Living with hemophilia is challenging for anyone. It can be even more difficult for women who struggle to obtain a diagnosis and treatment. Despite the struggles, I am thankful for many things. A missed diagnosis I am thankful that the hospital lab made an…