NuFACTOR Accepting Students’ Applications for 2017 Annual Eric Dostie Memorial College Scholarship

NuFACTOR is accepting applications for the 2017 Annual Eric Dostie Memorial College Scholarship.
NuFACTOR is a specialty pharmacy of FFF Enterprises, a distributor of plasma products, vaccines and biosimilars, among others. NuFACTOR specializes in the treatment of chronic conditions in several areas of medicine, including blood disorders and hemophilia.
The Annual Eric Dostie Memorial College Scholarship was created in honor of Eric Steven Dostie, of Easthampton, Mass., a 5-year-old boy with hemophilia who was murdered by his stepmother on Aug. 27, 1994.
Eric’s family started the scholarship in memory of his aspirations to become a scientist and find the cure for hemophilia in the form of “a chocolate pill,” as he articulated it.
“This scholarship continues to positively motivate students in pursuing their education goals and career aspirations. May Eric’s memory continue on through this scholarship and the achievements of these remarkable students,” Patrick M. Schmidt, FFF Enterprises’ chief executive officer, said in a press release.
Students who have hemophilia or other bleeding disorder, or students who have someone in their family who does, may apply for the Eric Dostie scholarship. Submission requirements include an essay describing how his/her education will impact humanity and encourage self-improvement and enrichment.
Each year, a committee chooses 10 students to receive $1,000 each, based on scholastic achievement, community service and financial need. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and be enrolled full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college degree program.
The Eric Dostie scholarship was founded in 1994 and since then has assisted a considerable number of bright young students reach their goals of higher education. In 2016 alone, 10 scholarships were awarded.
Applications are now being accepted. NuFACTOR will accept applications until March 1, 2017. To learn more about the program or to request an application form, visit the scholarship’s website or call (800) 323-6832 ext. 1300.
NuFACTOR also supports the immune globulin community with IG Living, a magazine dedicated to promoting patient advocacy and education.
Hemophilia usually is inherited. “Inherited” means that the disorder is passed from parents to children through genes. Those born with hemophilia have little or no clotting factor, which is essential for normal blood clotting.