Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

How Kids Can Explain Hemophilia to Their Friends

This children’s video from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention focuses on how to tell your friends that you have hemophilia. MORE: How kids can play safe with hemophilia Billy, a young boy with hemophilia, answers some of the questions that his friends ask about the disease. He…

How Diet Can Help With Hemophilia Management

Eating well is important for everyone, but particularly for those living with hemophilia. Eating a diet that encourages strong bones and muscles and helps keep you at a healthy body weight is essential. MORE: Young boys explain what it’s like to live with hemophilia Obesity is becoming a major problem when it…

How a Service Dog Improved This Hemophiliac’s Life

Bob Byrne from Northern California has severe hemophilia A. As a result of bad bleeds when he was younger, Byrne now suffers from arthritis and finds getting around difficult. Without anyone who can offer him care on a daily basis, he decided to get a service dog. MORE: 10 benefits of having…

5 Benefits of Cannabis Tea for Chronic Illnesses

Medical marijuana is gaining popularity as a complementary medicine to help with many symptoms associated with chronic illnesses. While many people are curious about how marijuana (or cannabis) may help improve their symptoms, they are also reluctant to smoke the substance. However, there are ways that medical marijuana can be administered, including…

13 Tips for Managing Your Child’s Hemophilia

Life with hemophilia can be challenging but there are ways that you can manage the disease to ensure your child leads as normal a life as possible. To help you navigate your child’s illness and help prevent bleeds, we’ve put together a list of tips. MORE: How to prepare for your child’s…

6 famous people with hemophilia

Last updated Dec. 10, 2024, by Susie Strachan Hemophilia has affected people from all walks of life, including royalty, athletes, actors, and advocates. It’s a rare genetic bleeding disorder that mostly affects males, while females are more likely to be carriers. Learn about some of the notable names…