
Finding the Meaning in the Word ‘Team’

I am originally from Texas, so I know the meaning of the word “team.” The Lone Star State reveres sports organizations like no other place in the country. Friday nights in the fall are overwhelmed with football, marching bands, and great times to visit with friends. Everyone gathers together with…

Finding Answers Together

Both of my sons have expressed frustration at having a bleeding disorder. After experiencing a problematic infusion, each has cried out, “I hate having hemophilia!” While they are almost 10 years apart, the same response lets me know that they are “getting it.” Sticking a needle in a child’s arm…

Why Do We Walk? Because We Can!

I recently spoke to members of the Sangre de Oro Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They are my family. We gathered to “kick off” the upcoming Unite for Bleeding Disorders walk. We had a friendly competition to see whose team…

Finding Our Way, with Community

I held my son, my firstborn, in my arms. From outward appearances, no one could guess that he had a bleeding disorder. Some moments, I forgot about his diagnosis. Life seemed to be moving at a healthy pace, and my wife and I invited the newest member of the…

A Month’s Supply and Feeling Lost

I couldn’t believe Caeleb was about to get his first dose of Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh). I have been following several people whose children participated in the Hemlibra study (NCT02622321) before the Food and Drug Administration approved the therapy, and I saw how it changed their lives. After…