Celebrating my amazing wife this Mother’s Day

Reflecting on a mother's undying love for her sons, who have hemophilia

Joe MacDonald avatar

by Joe MacDonald |

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I’ll never forget a particular moment in the fall of 1995. I met my wife, Cazandra, at one of our favorite restaurants right after work for an early dinner. As a waitress led us to our table, Caz appeared to be carrying a secret that, if not released, might cause an internal explosion.

We sat down, and immediately she looked into my eyes and said, “I have something I need to tell you.”

I felt panic run through my whole being. We hadn’t been married for very long — almost four years. I braced myself before replying to her, wondering if we’d be discussing divorce attorneys in two minutes.

I gathered my strength and asked calmly, “Well, Caz, what do you have to tell me?”

Those beautiful brown eyes began to tear up as she said, “I’m ready to have a baby. What do you think?”

I moved over to her side of the table, hugged her, and said, “I agree with you and am very excited. Hurrah! You will be a great mommy, and I hope to be a good daddy.”

We hugged, not realizing how much our lives would change over the next year.

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Our oldest son, Julian, came into the world in June 1996. With his entrance, we learned about hemophilia, which led us to new friends in a community we never knew existed. Despite all the medical issues we faced with Julian and, later, our youngest son, Caeleb, our lives improved because we had our boys.

Through all the ups and downs of my sons’ struggles with a bleeding disorder, one thing has remained constant: Cazandra’s unwavering devotion to her family. My wife lived up to the proclamation I made at dinner. She was, is, and always will be an incredible mommy. Through her love, she offered my sons a foundation on which they could build a solid structure of hope. Her ability to weather any storm is a work of art.

When Caeleb suffered through many nights in the hospital as a child, my wife brought him things from his bedroom at home. As a result, he felt more comfortable, even on his darkest days. With our son as her top priority, my wife made his time away from school and friends a little more enjoyable. She helped provide him with purpose and joy.

One Christmas, our spirits fell as we realized we’d have to celebrate the holiday on the sixth-floor special pediatrics unit at the University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital. As my sons and I sat together in the hospital, Cazandra called me to tell me she’d be there in a few minutes. Not giving her call a second thought, my boys and I returned to building a Star Wars Lego set. Together, we set out to build a 750-piece Death Star.

Cazandra entered the room with her hands full of various Christmas decorations, including a small Christmas tree complete with ornaments and lights. Suddenly, the drab space had a festive holiday atmosphere. She said, “We celebrate Christmas where we are, not in one specific location.” Her undying love brought happiness into a place reserved for sickness.

I’m proud to say that my wife’s love and energy haven’t faded since that day in 1995. She still loves her family with her whole self. Looking into her eyes, I experience joy because I know I matter. We stand together as a family to help encourage one another and slay the demon of chronic illness together. Through Cazandra, we MacDonald boys know how to love ferociously and live fiercely.

On this Mother’s Day, I thank my incredible wife, Cazandra. May she never feel alone, because Julian, Caeleb, and I remind her daily that she’s fantastic. Bless you, dear wife. Know that your family, bleeding disorders and all, give thanks for you — the wonderful person who loves us unconditionally. Happy Mama’s Day!

Note: Hemophilia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Hemophilia News Today or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to hemophilia.


Bill Webster avatar

Bill Webster

This is a wonderful tribute Pastor Joe. May God bless your family with continued strength and hope. Your family is an inspiration!

Joe MacDonald avatar

Joe MacDonald

Thank you, Bill.


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