
Discovering How Alone Time Can Help Me

Lately, I’ve been finding myself in need of more “alone time.” Now that I am a mom to a hyperactive and curious toddler, most of my days are spent listening to nursery rhymes on repeat, chasing our baby girl and making sure she doesn’t hurt herself while exploring her surroundings,…

Our Pets Teach Us the Darndest Things

My family loves dogs. My wife and I have never known married life without a beloved pet. They continue to bring us joy, while at the same time imparting valuable life lessons. Our pets teach us to care for something more than ourselves. Our puppies need us as much as…

Combating 4 Common Myths About Hemophilia 

When I have the opportunity to gather with my brothers and sisters from the hemophilia community, I notice we all have stories to tell. When you live with a rare disease, you are bound to have unique interactions with medical providers, family members, friends, and colleagues. These interactions range from…

Learning Life Lessons Little by Little

My 24-year-old son, Julian, lives out of state, where he attends college and works as a barista. He pays his bills and “adults” well, making me immensely proud of him. When he was a teenager, I didn’t think I would live to see his adult years. Like most teenagers who…

Establishing a Routine for Our Toddler’s Stability

Our baby, Cittie, is now the textbook specimen of a toddler. My husband, Jared, often finds himself surprised by how quickly she is developing. Her vocabulary doubles by the day, and she is even learning interjections. As funny as it is to hear her suddenly screaming “Oh no!” or a…

How to Avoid the Shame and Blame Game

I will never forget the first time the Hemophilia Federation of America asked me to facilitate a discussion group for parents of the newly diagnosed, at the federation’s annual symposium. About 30 parents attended, each with their own issues regarding their children. I sat in my chair and quickly…

Knowing When to Move On

We’ve all had them: those amazing flings that morph into less-than-ideal relationships. During the initial honeymoon phase, the person we are with appears to do nothing wrong. At that moment, we are certain that this time is different. We believe that…