Life Lessons in the MacDonald Home

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by Joe MacDonald |

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We all live according to life lessons. Not every way by which we govern our lives proves useful or affirming, but the lessons still unknowingly exist. My goal is to identify the negative patterns that I relate to the world and change them so that my actions match my desired way of remaining present and being a positive force in my community.

We carry our ways of being into how we teach our children. As parents, we speak volumes through our actions. I want to share a few life lessons I hope to pass on to my children. It is essential to include the awareness of hemophilia and its role in your presence in the world.

Remember, my MacDonald boys, you have hemophilia, but it does not define you. Live your lives, and remember to treat bleeds, honor checkups with your hemophilia treatment center, and stay connected to the bleeding disorders community. Through lifelong educational opportunities, you can remain up to date on the latest treatment possibilities. With information, you can take charge of hemophilia without it taking control of you.

The second instruction concerns kindness. Be a light for the world and share compassion. Let people know that their words matter. Share in the hopes and dreams of others.

Forgetting ourselves on purpose allows us to embrace and empathize with those who need to speak. Most of the conflicts in life can be resolved by stopping and listening to the other side. What is at stake in their lives? Our willingness to hear another person’s struggle speaks volumes about the kindness we share with those around us.

In addition to kindness, think of ways to find a resolution to conflicts that affirms all sides. This lesson is a problematic life strategy, but respect may freely rise out of struggle if there can be a balance. Not only may we find a way to resolve present issues, but by demonstrating care, a path may reveal itself for future collaboration. Remember, it all starts with one person’s willingness to enter negotiations. Why can’t that someone be us?

We arrive at the next life lesson: Not everyone will like us. That is OK. Just maintain a spirit of kindness, even faced with an impossible situation. We can sweep our side of the street, but it is up to another person to keep their path clean. Someone once told me, “Other people’s opinions of me are none of my business.” I maintain that as my mantra, but I also remember that kindness must rule the day no matter their thoughts about me.

The most critical life lesson that I impart to my sons is that there will never be time for someone on this planet not to love them. Both my boys, “MacDonald the Older” and “MacDonald the Younger,” experience love every day of their lives because I walk the world. Not only do I feel absolute devotion to my sons, but they also hear me say that I love them daily. Every phone conversation and every night ends with “I love you, son.”

And the final lesson with which I end is that their creator made them perfectly. This includes hemophilia and anything else people consider a disease, disorder, or defect. It is not productive to begin life’s journey feeling less than or defined by an ailment. Our achievement depends on our abilities to create, reason, and care for others.

Whatever medical issues we deal with in the world may present struggles, but they do not let us off the hook not to share our gifts. One of the hardest things to do in life is to accept the beauty of our perfection. When we can see the truth, our futures become limitless.

These life lessons are ones to which we aspire. We are not perfect. We attempt to be the best possible version of ourselves. So, we step out into the world filled with hope of making our planet a better place through our existence. May we strive to do some good in the world by practicing what we preach. The observance of our lessons encourages a path toward wholeness.


Note: Hemophilia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Hemophilia News Today or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to hemophilia.


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