
Ways to Claim a Season of Joy During Difficult Circumstances

One Thanksgiving season, nothing seemed to go right. Both of my sons suffered in completely different ways. “MacDonald the Older” faced bullies who looked forward to nothing more than terrorizing him, while “MacDonald the Younger” faced hospitalizations that lasted for lengthy periods. Hemophilia took its toll on both…

Exercising with Hemophilia Has More Pros Than Cons

An important part of my role in the Hemophilia Association of the Philippines for Love and Service (HAPLOS) is the promotion of physical fitness and exercise. I see many young hemophiliacs strapped to wheelchairs and wearing protective gear. It pains me to see them deprived of the ability…

PTSD Will Not Define Us

My seventh-grade son, Caeleb, is the new kid in a small, rural community where everyone has grown up together, so it’s hard to fit in and make friends. He comes home most days with a tale of mistreatment or insensitive comments directed at him. It breaks my heart,…

Raising a Successful Family Amid Hemophilia

At 28 weeks pregnant, it seems I have entered my “nesting” phase. Two days ago, my husband Jared and I chanced upon a good deal for a crib. We had no intentions of getting a crib then, but by a stroke of serendipity, we ended up with one anyway.

Caring for Adult Children

“MacDonald the Older” and I drove down the road that leads to his college. We stopped at a local restaurant, had a good meal, and then attended a concert together. I look forward to times like these when I get to share some laughs with my adult son.

There’s No Need to Fear a Little Blood

As I write this, it’s Nov. 1 and we’re observing All Saints’ Day. On this day, I remember my mom, who passed away last June. Her final resting place is many islands away from where I live, so I am unable to pay her a visit. Nevertheless, I offer…

Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself

Perhaps the most important lesson we learn at school is to keep our hands and feet to ourselves. I have thought about this rule every time my sons have complained about an incident at school. I remember my kindergarten teacher, Miss Paula, teaching my class that lesson. Best.

Battling the Monsters Together

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some take the form of needles that terrify young children. Others terrorize us as we battle chronic illnesses. Scary creatures reveal themselves and change us because of the horrors they bring into our lives. Ghosts and shadows leave us breathless and…