
7 Tips for Holiday Travel Success

When you have a bleeding disorder and you are traveling, there are many things to remember. Forgetting factor or Huber needles can leave you in a bind, because these are not items that are easily found at your local drugstore. Making a list and keeping it handy, regardless…

Normal in My World

Normal. I’m not exactly sure if I know the definition of normal. I’m thinking that most normal people would probably not suffer from any kind of illness. No allergies, diabetes, pain or infusions would be part of a normal person’s life. When you live with a chronic condition,…

Don’t Minimize Your Story!

When you live with a chronic illness, it is easy to feel alone. You can get mired in the daily struggle of caring for your loved one, or yourself, and it can quickly become overwhelming. There are days, and even weeks, when life with your illness is manageable,…