
The Leaves Among Us

Fall has set in, and the leaves around us provide a colorful daily show as we creep out into the world. The endless pelting of falling acorns constantly startles. Is the roof caving in? Is someone banging on our front door? How many acorns can there possibly be up there?…

Encountering Difficult People

One day, my youngest son, whom we affectionately call “MacDonald the Younger,” and I flew to a hemophilia conference. He could not wait to see old friends, and I could not wait to gather with my tribe and learn about advancements in treatments for those with bleeding disorders. My…

The Struggle to Have It All

There are some very fortunate people who do not experience illness. They often come from families who rarely even catch the common cold. Then, there are those of us who know all too well how illness can affect a family. My mother suffered from several chronic conditions when I was…

My Husband and I Are Equal Partners

In our marriage, my husband, Jared, and I are equals. He may have chronic illnesses, which means there are certain adjustments he must make to have a semblance of normalcy in everyday life. I have psychological issues as well. But we strive to be equal partners. Sometimes we are imbalanced.

What Are You Thankful For?

I love the months of October and November. Leaves change colors, and the air is crisp and cool. It also is the season when we take a moment to count our blessings. I am referring to the things that bring us joy. Sometimes in our chaos with chronic illness, we…

A Life-changing Second Opinion

I am a fierce advocate for my sons. I question doctors professionally. I say no and ask for other options. I have even found new research and treatment options to offer physicians. I do not give up and even risk being known as one of those moms. If I…