
The Roles We Play as Caregivers

Two weeks ago, my family moved back to New Mexico. Today, I find myself attempting to bring order to my office. I started matching books with the subject matter and made sure that each volume found its right place on my bookshelves. I held my Doctoral thesis in my…

Let’s Avoid Playing the Blame Game

Social media is one of my guilty pleasures. Whenever I find myself with free time, I open Facebook and mindlessly scroll through the endless news feed. I become immersed in whatever I stumble upon, be it funny memes, snippets of friends’ personal lives, or criticisms about society. As a graduate…

Putting Disability in the Entrepreneurial Spotlight

Over the past few months, my husband and I have been working extra hard on our jewelry retail business. It’s surprising how much work goes into running a small online store. My husband, Jared, thinks it’s because only two of us handle all aspects of the business, including…

Managing Chaos as a Family

If there is one word in the English language that drives me batty, it’s “chaos.” It implies a lack of control and an inability to stand on firm ground. It isn’t pleasant to be forced into a world that lacks any sense of stability. I must find a way to…