
One-word Resolutions for the New Year

I am already looking forward to 2019. The first half of 2018 was not filled with joy, but fortunately, the last six months have been pretty wonderful. Part of this has been Caeleb’s new treatment with Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh). It has truly changed our lives. His quality of…

An Open Letter to My Husband’s Hemophilia

Dear hemophilia, Truth be told, I hate you sometimes. I especially hate you when you suddenly pop out of nowhere and find ways to ruin my husband’s life. I hate you when you encroach on plans made weeks in advance; long-standing plans that were carefully and painstakingly thought out. As…

Merry Christmas, Now Let’s Infuse

Special days come up: holidays, birthdays, and vacations. We take time to relax and enjoy ourselves, but there is always something staring us in the face. Needles do not care what days may be essential or ordinary. They call to our families, reminding us that hemophilia does not…

Merry Christmas from Our HAPLOS Community

My local hemophilia organization just held its annual Christmas party. During these celebrations, we are reminded that we belong to a community that empowers, cares, and provides us with support and service. Christmas is a time for giving, showing gratitude, and spreading love. During our Christmas party, it was heartwarming…

Reaching Out and Inspiring Joy

I vividly remember attending my first bleeding disorder conference in 2008. It was overwhelming. The exhibits had products and services that my son would need, and the workshops and topics were new and very unfamiliar. The attendants seemed like they were at a family reunion! How did they…

My Husband and I Are Each Other’s Keepers

Today, I became my husband’s dependent — officially. A few months ago, I wrote about being ineligible for health insurance because I was already five months pregnant when I applied for it. My only option was to register as my husband’s dependent. That meant he would have to share…