
How Our Family Regained Control

There have been seasons when hemophilia became the center of my family’s universe. A bleed would start and before it healed completely, it re-bled, or a new one began. Visits to the clinic for appointments, timed blood draws, unpacking factor and supplies, phone calls about co-pay assistance, factor…

PE and 504s: A New Year is Beginning

When my oldest son, Julian, started elementary school in 2001, I was encouraged to proceed with a 504 plan for his protection. Section 504 refers to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that guarantees the needs of students with disabilities are met in school. I was surprised when I…

Finding Joy and Giving Thanks

When you live with a bleeding disorder, life can sometimes seem to be nothing but chaos. Just as one bleed seems to heal, another one begins. You start to infuse a factor at closer intervals, and before you know it, you are setting your alarm for factor dosing…