
Raising Empathetic Children Can Make a Difference

My daughter, Cittie, is now 8 months old. She has obvious likes and dislikes and is starting to develop habits and character traits. I can sense that she’s about to become a full-fledged toddler. Cittie hasn’t learned to express herself verbally. My husband and I still rely on behavioral clues…

The Lingering Effects of Recurring Joint Bleeds

Years ago, I watched my youngest son, “MacDonald the Younger,” as he struggled with recurring joint bleeds. Each episode took more of his mobility away. He could not extend his leg beyond 45 degrees because his knee was so full of blood, and he used a wheelchair for at least…

It Costs Nothing to be Nice

Last year was difficult for my mighty warrior Caeleb. Moving to a new school in a town where everyone knows everyone is not something you wish for as an incoming seventh-grader. This year was better until I discovered that a couple of boys were bullying Caeleb and he did not…

Provider Education and Outreach Are What Our Community Needs Now

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot of online content about hemophilia on forums dedicated to the disease and in articles. It could be because my Google Alerts and scholar searches are sending me plentiful links to browse. I’m noticing some consistent themes online: Moms are desperate for solutions;…

We All Need More Disney Moments

When “MacDonald the Younger” was 5, a social worker from the hemophilia treatment center gave his name to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They granted my son’s wish to go to Disney World. I couldn’t believe that a 5-year-old child would want to go to a theme park filled with great…