Will you be my valentine? Here are some hemophilia-friendly date ideas

Who says you can't have fun when plans abruptly change?

Alliah Czarielle avatar

by Alliah Czarielle |

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As the season of love and romance approaches, my husband, Jared, and I are already brainstorming ideas for possible February dates.

We’re no strangers to unconventional coupledom. A trip to a park or a museum trumps a stroll at the mall; a night filled with laughter while watching a comedy film is more appealing than a traditional love story. Our repertoire includes sports dates, time at the gym, nature walks, photography strolls, and budget-friendly countryside vacations.

However, every plan hinges on two critical factors: the activity’s potential risks and Jared’s physical condition at the time of the date. Living with severe hemophilia B means spontaneity is a luxury, as an unexpected bleeding episode can alter or delay our plans.

But challenges don’t necessarily mean cancellations — they merely fuel our creativity!

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Following are some creative ideas for hemophilia-friendly dates:

Homebound ‘escapes’

Did a sudden bleeding episode strike just before date night? It’s time for Plan B: a romantic evening spent in the comfort of our home.

We can convert our living or bedroom into a cozy fortress with blankets and fairy lights, and revel in games or indulge in guilty pleasures like true crime or slapstick comedy movies projected onto our living room screen.

This not only prioritizes Jared’s recovery, but also fosters joy in simplicity. In a culture that often celebrates excess, there are instances when less is indeed more. Simple moments of happiness serve as a reminder that we can pause, slow down, and just be.

 Culinary adventures

Dining out might pose challenges, especially if Jared is immobile due to an active bleed. However, bringing the restaurant experience home is a delectable alternative!

We can embark on culinary adventures by experimenting with new recipes together. Jared, a culinary enthusiast and competent cook, enjoys preparing a sensory feast, and the best part is, we get to savor it within the safety of our home.

Wheelchair wandering

This is ideal when Jared is almost fully recovered from a lower-body bleed but cautious about strenuous activities. It turns mundane errands into intriguing experiences!

Jared enjoys steering his wheelchair independently. While doing so, he’ll often share childhood tales about the perks of being an occasional wheelchair user, such as using the school elevator (reserved for teachers and staff) and friends wanting to join the ride.

The true essence of romance

Our journey through date night dilemmas reveals that love is not confined to a set script. As a “HemoWife,” crafting date nights that kindle romance while honoring my hemophiliac partner’s safety and recovery process has become a subtle art.

In the quiet moments of a candlelit dinner at home, or in the shared laughter while one of us whizzes around on a wheelchair, we find the true essence of romance — a genuine connection that transcends hemophilia’s physical constraints.

Note: Hemophilia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Hemophilia News Today or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to hemophilia.


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