Showing 2442 results for "hemophilia"

Knowledge is Power

Whenever I hear the phrase, “Knowledge is power, ” I think back to the animated children’s television show Schoolhouse Rock. I loved how fun, catchy songs taught kids how bills are passed, the preamble to the Constitution, and my favorite tune, Conjunction Junction. Every episode started with an intro stating,…

6 of the Best Apps for Chronic Illness Management

Managing a chronic illness can be difficult. There are many different medications to take (often at different times), appointments to remember, symptoms to keep track of, and lots of information to absorb. Thankfully, living in a digital age means that there are numerous mobile apps that can help you manage…

Honorarium Offered: A Chance to Spread the Word

In the bleeding disorder world, there are often opportunities to earn a few extra dollars. Research companies, pharmaceutical companies, and reporters will often reach out to members of the community to learn more about the disorder for their research. “Honorarium Offered” is a subject line in an email that will…

Advocating in Changing Times

When you live with a bleeding disorder, there are many things that are out of your control. When the next bleed will happen, how long a hospital stay will last, what the results of the blood work will tell you, and how much you will pay per unit…