In the Twinkling of an Eye - a Column by Joe MacDonald

manual, rest, unexpected, work ethic, pets

Joe is the father of two sons with hemophilia. He and his wife, Cazandra, are active members in the bleeding disorders community and often facilitate workshops both locally and nationally. Joe is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and writes a blog about spirituality and faith. You may follow his blog at

Giving Thanks for My Hero, My Mother

Before I share my story, I must make a disclaimer. The pastor/counselor side of me cannot continue without acknowledging that my story is not everyone else’s story. Some people in the bleeding disorders community do not have the support that many of us appreciate. I can’t believe how…

Look Ma, No Port!

My son has his seventh port lodged on his left side, between two ribs, just below his chest. This one is his most successful port regarding the amount of time (two-plus years) and accessibility. When the doctor placed one of the earlier ports at “MacDonald the Younger’s”…

What About Hemophilia?

Mr. Man started coughing on Friday and grew much worse by Saturday. My boy struggled with flu-like symptoms all weekend. We thought that by giving him allergy meds and cough suppressants, he would recover and be well for school on Monday. No such luck. The medicines wouldn’t work,…

Helpless, but Not Hopeless: Part 3

Part three in a series. Read parts one and two.  With the invention of the map created by my son’s medical team, my wife, and me, the most challenging year that we ever experienced ended. My son did not have another absence while in elementary school due…

Helpless, but Not Hopeless: Part 2

Part two in a series. Read part one.  My family was taught many lessons in the year that everything appeared to fall apart and hemophilia became a nightmare in our lives. The most significant lesson was to cherish every moment. Sometimes in life’s most significant challenges,…

Helpless, but Not Hopeless

Part one in a series.  I stood over my son’s hospital bed, waiting for the morphine to kick in and give him some relief. “MacDonald the Younger” continued to scream as the pain became unbearable. My boy had once described to me his experience of a bleeding…

The Dreaded ‘Beginning of School’ Question

“MacDonald the Younger” is entering the seventh grade this year. His health is terrific, and for the first time in his life, there is very little fear about participating in physical education. He knows that contact sports are out of the question and he must wear his…

Life Can Change In an Instant

In an instant, things can change and redefine who we are. One minute life appears to take us down one road, and then we encounter something that brings us toward an entirely different destination. Whatever happens, we know that life will never be the same again, and our entire perspective…

I Will Teach You How to Skate and Sing

Sometimes chronic illness holds us completely captive, and we lose moments due to pain or other complications. My family is no exception, as my youngest son experienced one year. He spent almost every holiday between October and February in the hospital. I helplessly stood by and watched my son…