
Struggling with Self-infusion

I have a confession: I hate to self-infuse. I am really bad at it. Well, at least most of the time I am. The multitude of blown and missed veins over the past few years have synthesized to wholly deflate my confidence with this critical skill.  …

When You Don’t Have to Be the First

The toughest part about moving to a new city or state is locating health providers that are covered (most likely) by a new insurance plan. It’s difficult for families with hemophilia, like ours, to find pediatricians and internists. But dentists are by far the most challenging to locate. Fellow…

A Vocabulary I Never Knew

Living with a chronic bleeding disorder brings a whole new set of words into our vocabulary. Around my house, when it is time to infuse, we say, “Hey guys, its time to get liquored up.” While that may sound odd, our word choices help to remind us that each treatment…

I Give My Sons the Best I Have to Offer

I often wonder what my sons feel when they are in the middle of a bleeding episode. Both boys tell me that a bleed into a joint or muscle feels like needles constantly stabbing into the skin. The pain is unbearable and doesn’t let up until a medical clotting…