
Weathering Our Storms As a Loving Family

Monsoon season has begun here in the Philippines. Every time I drive in downtown Manila, I’m reminded of a family trip last year to Tagaytay, a popular tourist destination. My husband, Jared, and I wanted to get out of town for our first anniversary, but the trip turned out…

Our Virtual Connectedness

As we continue to practice social distancing, I find it exceedingly difficult to stay connected to brothers and sisters in the hemophilia community. I gain strength and hope from dear friends who struggle with medical issues like mine. Why then do I find it hard to take advantage of…

When Hemophilia Isn’t the Worst Enemy

My husband, Jared, has had hemophilia since he was born. He has known no other life than one with a bleeding disorder. And that is why he does not consider hemophilia to be his “worst enemy.” Instead, he considers epilepsy his greatest foe.

Beyond Diagnosis, We Found Community

I am the first person to insist that a diagnosis does not define my children. In my home, we never call our children hemophiliacs, rather we focus on the fact that they are human beings who have hemophilia. I never want my sons to think that their whole person is…

Celebrating Our Personal Victories

Last week I hit a significant personal milestone. In order to keep myself mobile and healthy, I ride a recumbent indoor bike — a lot! I used to ride over 100 miles a week. Riding my bike has kept me and my joints healthy. It’s also helped…

We Are Teaching Our Toddler to Be Independent

Our baby girl, Cittie, is 18 months old. She’s feisty and curious about the world around her. Currently, her favorite words are “up,” “open,” and “close.” She likes being carried so she can observe things from an adult vantage point. She also wants to touch and tinker with every object…

We Are the Experts of Our Own Stories

At times I struggle with documenting my journey as a caregiver for a loved one with a bleeding disorder. I can’t offer medical advice because I am not an expert. The most I can do is share my experiences and hope that something I write might speak to someone…