
The Joys of an Occasional Reprieve

I’d been sick with acute respiratory troubles for almost a week. Not a minute had gone by without a sniffle or a sneeze. My sinuses had been painful and horribly congested, my throat inflamed, and my stomach upset due to the collection of phlegm in my digestive tract. (Don’t get…

I’m Thankful for Lessons Learned

My family entered the hemophilia community more than 23 years ago with the birth of my oldest son. During our time with the bleeding disorders community, my wife and I learned to access ports, treat and perform peripheral sticks, and negotiate difficult circumstances. We did not receive a manual titled…

Enjoying the Gifts and Counting Our Blessings

As early as September, colorful Christmas lights adorn all sorts of spaces in the Philippines. Families begin decorating their homes and stores start to roll out out holiday promotions: holiday-themed drinks, planners for collecting stickers — you name it. At the onset of such traditions, one can feel the so-called…

Moving from Darkness into Light

This month has brought a holiday rush of hemophilia news on potential new treatments, studies, and acquisitions — all of which serve to raise hope during this solstice season, as we move past the shortest day of the year. Solstice can be a…

A Quick Look Backward Before Moving Forward

As the year draws to a close, I cannot help but review the successes and failures of the past 12 months. How do I continue to honor the many roles that I play as a husband, father, caregiver, and pastor? Where is there room for improvement? How can I improve…

Looking Ahead to the New Year

As I look back on where I was at this time last year, I can honestly say that 2019 has been a fantastic year. My health has improved tremendously. My book, “Dear Hemophilia, Finding Hope Through Chronic Illness,” has been published. And most importantly, my sons with hemophilia have…

Managing Holiday Stress with Hemophilia

I love the holidays — candlelight, decorations, the smell of baking, and time with family. I look forward to the holidays every year, but I am also keenly aware that holidays can be more stressful with the realities of managing hemophilia. Here are some tips for…