
An Open Letter to Hemophilia Parents

Dear Hemophilia Parent, Today, I write to you. I am a child with hemophilia. I am taking the liberty of speaking on behalf of your child, who may be 2 days, 2 years, or 20 years old. First and foremost, you are awesome, and I…

Aiding Our Sons in Building Self-Esteem

In my experience, raising two children with a chronic illness includes the usual worries that parents and other primary caregivers often face. It also creates issues that directly address medical needs and concerns related to treatment. For instance, not every family deals with spontaneous bleeding into the joints. For…

The Female Factor: Supporting Women with Hemophilia

An opportunity arises Five years ago, Ashley Gregory was asked to head The Female Factor (TFF), a program sponsored by the Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California (HFNC). According to Ashley, this opportunity brought her out of her shell and helped her to discover an affinity and…