Alliah Czarielle,  —

Alliah Czarielle, or Cza, is a writer, entrepreneur, and digital marketer based in Marikina, Philippines. She is married to Jared, who has severe hemophilia B and a seizure disorder. They have a young daughter and two other "babies" — a dog and a cat. Cza herself is diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar II disorder. This allows her to offer a unique perspective on navigating various aspects of young adult life (e.g. relationships, career, and parenting) with chronic health conditions. In her free time, she enjoys collecting fountain pens, supporting small businesses, traveling across the country, and exploring local cafes. She continues to blog like most 90s kids did in the Internet’s early years, sharing her thoughts and interesting discoveries on her personal website,

Articles by Alliah Czarielle

Minimalism, Filipinos, and Disability

I’ve been pondering the minimalism movement a lot lately. This is because I recently found myself with more than a dozen boxes from my childhood home, and along with these came a sense of responsibility to organize the contents inside of them. As my husband and I unpacked the…

An Open Letter to My Husband’s Hemophilia

Dear hemophilia, Truth be told, I hate you sometimes. I especially hate you when you suddenly pop out of nowhere and find ways to ruin my husband’s life. I hate you when you encroach on plans made weeks in advance; long-standing plans that were carefully and painstakingly thought out. As…

My Husband and I Are Each Other’s Keepers

Today, I became my husband’s dependent — officially. A few months ago, I wrote about being ineligible for health insurance because I was already five months pregnant when I applied for it. My only option was to register as my husband’s dependent. That meant he would have to share…

Raising a Successful Family Amid Hemophilia

At 28 weeks pregnant, it seems I have entered my “nesting” phase. Two days ago, my husband Jared and I chanced upon a good deal for a crib. We had no intentions of getting a crib then, but by a stroke of serendipity, we ended up with one anyway.

There’s No Need to Fear a Little Blood

As I write this, it’s Nov. 1 and we’re observing All Saints’ Day. On this day, I remember my mom, who passed away last June. Her final resting place is many islands away from where I live, so I am unable to pay her a visit. Nevertheless, I…

Talking to Our Future Daughter About Hemophilia

I’m 25 weeks pregnant. Now that I’ve passed the halfway point of my pregnancy, I’m full of thoughts about the future. What happens when I give birth? After I give birth? When it sinks in that we are parents? Based on my ultrasound scans, it looks like we will have…

How I’ve Combined Being a New Bride with Volunteering

My husband Jared mentioned in his latest column that he works at a local organization called the Hemophilia Association of the Philippines for Love and Service (HAPLOS). It is truly a pleasure to serve other people with hemophilia, along with their families and carers, through the organization’s efforts.