
Why Am I So Angry?

In past columns, I discussed my frustrations when anger rears its ugly head out of the shadows of my consciousness and takes hold of me. It isn’t pretty, nor is it the best choice to make. I wasn’t prepared to handle the overwhelming emotions that came over…

Removing Port Number 7

This week, we will consult with the surgeon who will have placed and removed six of my son’s seven port-a-caths. There will not be an eighth foreign object in “MacDonald the Younger’s” body, as it will not see port number eight. His treatment does not require access, and…

Self-care Isn’t Selfish

When you become a parent, your world instantly changes. Your life focus becomes the child that you have brought into the world. When your child has a chronic condition, the game changes dramatically. Not only are you concerned about the regular milestones that your child may or may…

We Will Continue to Rebuild Our Lives

February 2014 proved to host the last bleed “MacDonald the Younger” faced thus far. The treatment plan created by our Hemophilia Treatment Center worked like a charm, and in the twinkling of an eye, the storm subsided and our quality of life improved drastically. What we didn’t…

My First Steps into Parenthood

As I write this, I’m bedridden from a bleed in my right hip. I’m learning what it means to have both hemophilia and a baby girl. Although I could see this bleed as a spirit-breaker, I’m readjusting, and I’ll be better prepared for episodes like this in the future.

To My Husband, the Father of My Daughter

To the father of my daughter, Thank you for being present from the very beginning of my pregnancy — when those two lines first appeared, and you told me you didn’t know how to feel (despite us having planned everything out). Thank you for soldiering through those…

This Is Way Beyond My Understanding

My youngest son, wife, and I just returned from an appointment with our hematologist concerning plans for treatment. In the twinkling of an eye, our worlds changed. We will move to a new procedure requiring an injection given every two weeks. How could this be? Wasn’t it last…